About Kiwanis

About Kiwanis

About Kiwanis


Kids are curious, lovable and hilarious. They are also wild, impatient and vulnerable. Kiwanis is looking out for kids in every corner of the globe with more than 550,000 members and volunteers who serve their communities through local clubs.


Kiwanis International is a global community of clubs, members and partners dedicated to improving the lives of children, one community at a time. Kiwanis members today range in age from elementary school students in K-Kids, middle school students in Builders Clubs, high school students in Key Clubs, young adults on campuses in Circle K clubs, to adults from their early 20s to our more seasoned members in their 80s on up in community Kiwanis clubs. We are in 80 countries and geographic areas. Each community has different needs and Kiwanis empowers members to pursue creative ways to serve the needs of children, such as fighting hunger, improving literacy and offering leadership opportunities. Kiwanis clubs host nearly 150,000 service projects each year.

To learn more about Kiwanis you can visit the Kiwanis International web site, or for a more local experience, you can visit the Rocky Mountain District of Kiwanis‘ website. Come be a part of an organization that values children, giving back, community and friendship.


Ready to help children and families in your community? Ready to change the world? Kiwanis is ready for you! All together the Rocky Mountain District of Kiwanis International has more than 60 clubs, with over 2,000 members. We are a powerful force for serving children and improving lives!

“Serving the Children of the World”