What is Key Leader
What is Key Leader?
Key Leader is an experiential leadership program, presented over a weekend, for today’s young leaders. This life-changing event focuses on service leadership as the first, most meaningful leadership-development experience for graduating middle school students and high school students. Kiwanis Key Leader is an ideal organization for partners who want to reach inspired and motivated youth.
As a part of the Kiwanis family, Key Leader is unique from other leadership programs in that it offers the infrastructure for students to put what they’ve learned to practice in high school, Key Clubs, collegiate Circle K clubs, or as adults in their local communities and Kiwanis Clubs. More than 33,000 students have participated in 660+ events around the world!
Our team at the Rocky Mountain District of Kiwanis International is ready to work with the community and corporate sponsors interested in enriching their local communities and elevating young, local leaders. Sponsor support allows us to expand Key Leader within the Rocky Mountains, reaching more future leaders. Currently, Key Leader reaches roughly 60 students from Colorado, western Nebraska, and Wyoming at very little cost to the student participants. The program is underwritten by the generosity of Kiwanis Clubs and their members. Our goal is to quadruple the number of students reached by Key Leader over the next three years. This cannot be accomplished without the support of civic and corporate sponsorships. If your community, organization or company is interested in helping to underwrite a Key Leader training session and directly impact the lives of our high school students, please reach out by sending an email to Chris Scurto, Key Leader co-chair, for the Rocky Mountain District of Kiwanis International.
The Right Mission, The Right Partners
For Key Leader, partnerships are an exciting opportunity—and the right partnerships are paramount in order for us to achieve our goal of reaching high school students throughout the Rocky Mountain district. We welcome corporate partnerships that align with our mission and preserve the trust of our members and the communities we serve. Our partner’s products, services and reputation must:
- Be compatible with and complementary to Key Leader mission and values.
- Reflect a high degree of integrity.
- Demonstrate a track record of high-quality.
If you, your company, or civic organization would like to support Key Leader
in Colorado, western Nebraska or Wyoming, please send an email to Chris Scurto.